aWHMCS Mobile App

Version 2.8 Now Available
Get it now!

The Android App for WHMCS simplifies managing your business
on the go, whether it be from your phone or tablet. This update contains an improved user interface, new features and more...

Always connected...

aWHMCS lets you stay in control even when you’re away from your desk.

Support Tickets

Stay in contact with customers - view, manage and respond to support tickets at the touch of a button

Create Invoices

You can browse, create, edit and apply payments to invoices - received payment in person, apply it right away

View & Create Orders

Review and activate pending orders as well as create new ones - now your customers never have to wait

Client Management

View/Edit Profiles, Manage Products & Services, Apply Transactions, Send Emails, and more...

Tablet Compatibility

Effectively manage your business from all your android devices.


Downloading the app is free, and one subscription allows all your staff to use aWHMCS on their mobile devices.

Get it today for just $2.99/month

See it in action

Click on any of the screenshots below for a larger version.

Navigation Bar
Home Screen
Create Ticket
Client Actions
Client Profile
Active Ticket List
Pending Orders
Create Invoice
Add Payment

Frequently asked questions

Answers to some of the most commonly asked questions. If your question isn't answered here, please contact us.

Is this update free for existing aWHMCS license holders?

Yes, this update is being made available at no extra cost to aWHMCS license holders.

How do I get the latest update?

Version 2.8 is a major update and requires a fresh new installation. Simply search for aWHMCS inside Google play to download the new app.

I've never used aWHMCS before, how do I get it?

If you don't yet have an aWHMCS subscription, you can signup here.

I have multiple staff, do I have to buy multiple licenses?

No. One single purchase allows all administrator users to use the app with your WHMCS installation.

I have more than 1 WHMCS install, can I use aWHMCS on all of them?

Yes, aWHMCS supports multiple profiles allowing you to configure as many WHMCS installations as you wish to connect to all from a single device.

However, please note you will need an aWHMCS subscription for each WHMCS installation you wish to use it with.

I have an iPhone, what about me?

You can download the iWHMCS app inside iTunes to use WHMCS on your iOS device.


Download it now

Download the latest version today from Google play. Updates are available free to existing aWHMCS license holders.